
How do I maintain my defibrillator?

Written by Sarah McLoughlin | May 10, 2022 2:18:37 PM

The decision to invest in a defibrillator is one that could save lives. It's important to protect and maintain your device to ensure it's always ready to be used in an emergency, and able to provide a life-saving shock if required. 

Whilst all defibrillators do carry out their own regular self-tests, it's important for the defibrillator guardian to carry out their own checks on the device too.


Things to Consider

One reason for self-test failures is expired accessories. Without in-date accessories, your defibrillator may be unable to provide life-saving treatment in an emergency.

Pads & Batteries are marked with expiry dates that the defibrillator “Guardian” has the responsibility of noting alongside the readiness indicator’s status. The expiry dates are typically found on the back of the product, either next to the egg timer symbol, or near the factory icon.

Readiness indicators change when the defibrillator fails its self-test. Readiness indicators vary depending on which device you have; it is either a green or red disk, a tick, a cross or a flashing light. Owners should refer to the defibrillator manual to determine their device’s indicator. If the status changes, the defibrillator requires attention. 

More than 1,000 Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) deaths have previously been linked to the failure of a defibrillator. Battery failure accounted for almost one-quarter of these failures. Problems with pads and connectors also accounted for reasons why defibrillators were unable to provide treatment in a cardiac emergency.


According to the Resuscitation Council, there are approximately 60,000 cardiac arrests in the UK each year, 90-95% of which are fatal. A shock from a defibrillator and effective CPR is the only definitive treatment for SCA.

As well as a change in readiness status, your defibrillator will also alert you if there is a problem by bleeping. Find out more by visiting the Troubleshooting section of our Resource Centre. It's a good idea to carry out regular visual checks on the units you have, even if they are not bleeping.


The cost of maintenance depends on the make and model of your device. Pads have a shelf -life of between 1 and 5 years depending on the model and batteries have a shelf life of between 2 and 7 years depending on the make and model of the device. 

Whether or not you have purchased your defibrillator or accessories from us previously, we can still remind you when your products are coming up for expiry with our FREE reminder service.



Get Your Defibrillator Serviced

Here at defibshop, we offer an Annual AED Service for anyone who owns a defibrillator, whether it was purchased from us or not. During a defibrillator service, one of our expert team members will attend your premises to carry out comprehensive visual and physical checks on your defibrillator to ensure it's in full working condition.


More Information

For more information or advice on topics surrounding defibrillators and Sudden Cardiac Arrest, visit our Resource Centre or get in touch with a member of the team.

defibshop are committed to equipping everyone with the skills and knowledge to save a life. Speak to one of our Product Specialists on 0161 776 7422 or fill out our Contact Form.