
Local Story - Southport Saviours

Written by Josh Ellingworth | Jun 4, 2024 1:56:06 PM

Richard Moore, who is a trustee at Southport Saviours is a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) survivor. After his SCA he is now reevaluating his priorities in life and wants to give something back with his passion for helping others resulting in the creation of Southport Saviours. The charity was set up by Richard and two other local southport residents Naomi Williams & Emma Caunce in May 2023.


The campaign is aiming to increase the survival rate of SCA and install publicly accessible defibrillators in and around the local Southport area. SCA strikes at any time without warning and sadly, no one is immune regardless of gender, age, fitness level, ethnicity or geography. 90-95% of people who suffer from SCA will die.


In order to achieve their aim, Richard and Southport Saviours will be:

Helping To Install Accessible Defibrillators

Installing defibrillators in various locations help improve survival rates from SCA, enhance public safety, and empower individuals to respond effectively in emergencies. This proactive approach to health and safety is a vital component of community care and resilience.


Providing Vital First Aid Training

First aid and defibrillator training is important as it enhances the effectiveness of the device, increases the confidence and readiness of potential responders, ensures compliance with best practices, reduces risks, and fosters a culture of preparedness and safety within communities.


Raising Awareness Of SCA

Raising awareness about SCA is crucial for improving survival rates, educating the public on preventive measures, encouraging timely and effective responses, and fostering a supportive and prepared community. It empowers individuals to act confidently and promptly during emergencies, ultimately saving lives and enhancing health.


One of the key achievements of Southport Saviours is their collaboration with local businesses and organisations to install publicly accessible defibrillators. Notable installations include those at the Southport Masonic Hall and multiple SPAR stores in the area. These efforts ensure that life-saving equipment is available 24/7, significantly improving emergency response times for SCA emergencies.


(Above: we visited Richard at CTC Fitness in Southport)


More recently, a publicly accessible defibrillator (above) was installed at CTC Fitness in Southport in an outdoor locked cabinet. This device has also now been added to the circuit, a national defibrillator location network.

The charity has also been actively involved in fundraising and community engagement activities. Members of Southport Saviours participated in the 2024 Southport Mad Dog 10k race, dressed as a wedding party, to raise awareness and funds for their cause. This event, known for its vibrant and imaginative themes, provided an excellent platform for the charity to highlight the importance of accessible defibrillators and first aid training.


Deadlifts for Defibs

In November 2023 Southport saviours and CTC strength and fitness in Southport started a fundraiser called ‘deadlifts for defibs’. The aim of the fundraising day was to have 1 deadlift bar going all day for 12 hours. Everyone that came down picked a weight they were comfortable with and would deadlift for 60 seconds until it was time for the next person's turn.


(Above: People of all ages involved in the 'deadlift for defibs')


Collectively the group lifted a whopping 25,723 reps on the day. If this was an estimate and each bar had a minimum of 20 kg, the group lifted a massive 257,230 kilos, the weight equivalent of 128,615 bags of sugar.


(Above: Richard Moore of Southport Saviours and  Stuart Scott of CTC Fitness)


The fundraiser was a huge success with the foundation raising £1927 that was used to purchase a defibrillator and outdoor cabinet for the gym. In recognition of their contributions, Southport Saviours were honoured at the 2024 Grand Pride Of Sefton Awards, an event celebrating outstanding community figures and initiatives across the region​. 

Southport Saviours continues to make strides in promoting the need for defibrillators and cardiac health and safety, demonstrating the profound impact a dedicated group can have on their community.


To learn more and donate to Southport Saviours, visit

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