
Does COVID-19 cause long-term damage to the heart?

Written by Sarah McLoughlin | Sep 21, 2020 9:44:03 AM

Recent news headlines claim that COVID-19 causes damage to the heart, and this damage could last beyond recovery from the disease.

With the crisis just months old, it isn’t possible to conclude that everyone who becomes infected with coronavirus will develop heart problems, or that if you’ve had the virus, you need to start worrying about these claims.

No one knows how far into the future symptoms will endure, and whether COVID-19 will prompt the onset of long term problems or chronic diseases.

What we can do is take care of our health to minimise the risk of any further health issues.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is still a leading cause of death in the UK, claiming over 60,000 lives each year. The prevalence of SCA could further increase if Coronavirus is proven to cause long term damage to the heart.

As we could possibly be looking at a rise in the number of Sudden Cardiac Arrest cases that occur, we do not want to see a rise in the number of deaths. To prevent further deaths as a result of SCA, a defibrillator is essential.

Although we are still faced with a global pandemic, let's not forget the facts of SCA and the many deaths that occur each year, often due to a lack of quick and effective treatment.

With health being a top priority, now is the time to invest in this lifesaving piece of equipment for your workplace, home or community. You never know when you might need to use a defibrillator to save the life of a friend, relative, colleague or stranger.

As the economy has suffered due to the impact of coronavirus, many businesses may not be in a position to make significant purchases. Here at defibshop we want to ensure defibrillators are accessible to everyone and we understand that buying a defibrillator outright may not be ideal for some businesses, especially in the current climate.

Our finance options mean that businesses are able to finance a defibrillator from as little as 61p per day. A fixed finance plan enables you to buy a defibrillator without upsetting company cash flow to adhere to all budgets with a fixed and manageable monthly payment, irrespective of interest rate fluctuations and other economic changes.


Sudden Cardiac Arrest Facts

Every day in the UK 200 people suffer a Sudden Cardiac Arrest, according to a statement from the Resuscitation Council. Only a small percentage of SCA sufferers survive.

Every second counts when treating a cardiac arrest, the responder must act fast for the best outcome.

There are a few simple steps as part of the Chain of Survival that anyone responding to a Sudden Cardiac Arrest can take in the efforts to help save their life:

  • Call 999
  • Perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
  • Use a PAD (public access defibrillator) if one is available

When treatment is delivered within 3-5 minutes of the cardiac arrest taking place, the chance of survival increases from 6% to 74%. For every minute that passes without treatment, a person in cardiac arrest loses 10% of their chance of survival.


COVID-19 and The Heart: The Connection

As the pandemic unfolds, we continue to learn that many organs besides the lungs are affected by the virus. Based on experience with other viruses, doctors can “extrapolate and anticipate” potential long-term effects of COVID-19.

The added stress that the body goes through whilst fighting the virus can prompt a release of adrenaline and epinephrine, which can have an impact on the heart. Doctors have been particularly concerned about the long-term damage to the heart as mass inflammation can affect cardiac function.

A document published by WHO confirms the possible effects to the heart includes damage to the heart muscle, and heart failure. A recent BHF-funded study showed that around half of 1216 patients who received a heart scan while in hospital due to COVID-19 showed abnormalities in their heart function, with around one in seven showing severe abnormalities likely to have a major effect on their survival and recovery.

It’s clear that people hospitalised with severe COVID-19 symptoms face a long recovery. Ongoing problems are said to include potential fatigue, a racing heartbeat, shortness of breath, achy joints, foggy thinking, a persistent loss of sense of smell, and damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys, and brain.

Ongoing research into the potential lasting cardiovascular consequences of coronavirus will take place to watch and assess the effects COVID-19 has on the body’s vital organs.


Prepare for Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) strikes at any time. Often without warning or symptoms. Sadly, no one is immune from Sudden Cardiac Arrest although, there are certain factors that put people at a higher risk of experiencing SCA, including existing heart problems.

Without treatment, a person in cardiac arrest dies within minutes. Effective CPR combined with a shock from a defibrillator is the only definitive treatment for SCA.

The only way to prepare for the event of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest is to ensure as many locations as possible have defibrillators available.

There is much left unknown as to how COVID-19 will affect people over time. Researchers recommend that doctors closely monitor people who have had COVID-19 to see how their organs are functioning after recovery.

defibshop are committed to equipping everyone with the skills and knowledge to save a life. Speak to one of our Product Specialists on 0161 776 7422 or fill out our Contact Form.

